
Fallout 4 the syringer
Fallout 4 the syringer

  • All ammo variants can be crafted using the chemistry station.
  • Yellow Belly Syringe: Chance on hit to cause target to flee for 30 seconds.
  • Radscorpion Venom Syringe: Does 40 points of damage over 10 seconds to target.
  • Pax Syringe: Chance to make the target non-violent for 30 seconds.
  • fallout 4 the syringer fallout 4 the syringer

    Theres nothing quite like hitting a headshot in. Mind Cloud Syringe: Target believes you have vanished and has a reduced chance to detect you for 30 seconds. The Syringer itself can also be modded at a weapons crafting table, and is subject to standard gun mods.Lock Joint Syringe: Chance to paralyze target for 10 seconds.Endangerol Syringe: Reduces target's damage resistance by 25% for two minutes.Bloatfly Larva Syringe: Chance on death for target to spawn a Bloatfly.Bleed Out Syringe: Does 30 points of damage over 10 seconds to a target.

    fallout 4 the syringer

  • Berserk Syringe: Chance to frenzy target for two minutes.
  • Chemistry stations are used to craft these ballistic injectables, each having various effects and requiring a variety of different materials to craft, depending on the ammo type. Basically making the Syringer a tranquilizer rifle. Syringer Ammo is exactly how it sounds, syringes used as ammo.

    Fallout 4 the syringer